

Welcome to Scraggy Crows

Who we are Where we come from What we do
We are the South Leicestershire Scout Active Support Unit, previously the “South Leicestershire Scout Fellowship”, a dozen or so members who meet to provide practical support to Scouting in South Leicestershire, and to enjoy a wide range of social and active events. We are quite a small group, mostly coming up through South Leicestershire Scouting but also from Derbyshire and from Yorkshire. We would be delighted to welcome new members from within or outside Scouting, who would like to contribute to the movement, but cannot commit to a regular weekly meeting. Scraggy Crows activities fit around our busy lives!
We first met in 1985, a group of leaders and ex-leaders who were encouraged to join the District Fellowship in the hope that we would still be useful. Members of the Fellowship were ancient, well into their 50’s, and so we formed a Junior Fellowship, and to further distinguish ourselves from the older folk, we called ourselves the Scraggy Crows, after the image of the red Scraggy Crow that is the District emblem. We set an upper age limit of 30, which has never changed. Some of us have now been 30 for over 30 years, and see no reason to change, and we will welcome new members of all ages. We have run themed practical evenings for individual Troops such as cane pioneering, axe & saw, fire lighting skills, knotting, pioneering and map & compass skills. We have judged camping competitions, we maintain the Ullesthorpe Campsite chapel, and assist with various roles at District events. We enjoy a variety of social activities. We welcome any requests for help within the South Leicestershire District.